An Executive Retreat Unlike Any Other




  1. a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm.


Get Clear on You

Find your unique areas of giftings and contribution.


Get Clear on Mission

Understand your “why” and how you can impact your culture.


Impact the Culture

Make a resounding impact on your businesses, community, and culture.

What the Retreat is About:

It was a time with a turbulent social climate, political unrest, many voices wanting to be heard, and vocal protests. 

In other words, a culture rose up against social norms.

The group protests had at its core a desire for inclusivity, peace, and love; and that everyone has a right to be loved, seen, and known.

Our current social and global climate is similar to that of the 60's, and out of that tumultuous climate will be born a new movement. 

What if it can be defined by us? Join us to counter your culture!


What’s Included

  • Introduction: Defining Your Revolutionary Journey

  • Phase 1: Encounter your Essence - Start with Who

  • Phase 2: Counter your False Inner Culture - Let Go of What’s Not You

  • Phase 3: Defining Your True Inner Culture - Uncovering the True You

  • Phase 4: Transform the Culture you Influence - Empower Yourself for Maximum Impact

  • Conclusion - Summary, Equipping and Q&A

    As well as:

  • Exclusive private event for executives and leaders

  • Physical PDF workbook to accompany the event

  • Meet and greet with other executives and leaders

  • Post retreat follow up consulting sessions with David Charlson

How does it work?

  • Maximum of 18 Participants

  • Breakout groups for individualized attention

  • 3 professional facilitators to lead groups

  • Pre and post event resources to prepare you, engage you, and ensure lasting changes

  • “Hot seats” to receive individualized advice (from facilitators and attendees) for your situation

  • Luxurious accommodations ( 3 nights hotel, meals, transportation)



When: Nov 17th-20th

Where: Maui, HI

Location: Maui, HI


$6895 individual

$9495 Couple

The Why?

We believe we are entering a kairos moment. A moment where massive influence can be had in public, professional, and personal spheres. The Counter Your Culture Executive Retreat will help you define your areas of influence, clarify your personal callings, and empower you to shift the cultures you were meant to impact. 

You will find personal fulfillment as you define specific areas of authority and influence, and are championed to express your authentic self in those spheres. Not only will you feel will feel seen, known, and challenged to be everything you were designed to be.  

If you want to continue swimming with the stream of society–this is not the retreat for you. If you want to stay unsatisfied and unfulfilled in your current occupation–this is not the retreat for you. But if you want to come alive in your personal strengths and create a significant impact–this is the retreat for you.

You were meant for more. You were meant to be an influential actor in your relationships, family, businesses, and culture...and we will equip you to express your design to maximally impact your culture. 

We’re looking forward to meeting you, and sharing a life-changing experience that uncovers the ridiculously powerful you that you’ve always been meant to express! 


Who’s Leading this Retreat?


The Host: David Charlson

Dave is one of the most authentic people you will ever meet. He is a long-time business builder where he demonstrates the power of living from your authentic core identity. In the last 5 years, he has helped create and brand two products that have generated over $16 million in revenue. For decades, David has been a student of personal growth and development, and has cultivated a powerful process to achieve health and wholeness.

He is devoted to creating safe places for people to be vulnerable and authentic about their lives, and has a unique ability to broker the truth to people in exchange for their limiting beliefs and fears.

Co-Host: Michele Charlson

Michele is the magic behind the scenes of this retreat. She is creating spaces and experiences where breakthrough can be easily facilitated. Michele has a hosting and hospitality company aptly named “Space, LLC” On top of organizing the experiences, she is also curating a tailored experience for participants off and online.



Speaker No. 1: Laura Duncan

LAURA DUNCAN CONSULTING was launched in 2014 out of widespread demand for Laura’s unique ability to lead people through the process of pain to life-giving freedom.  She is able to connect individuals to their hearts and belief systems in order to create a flow of empathy that recreates brain pathways and brings healing to decades old traumas and habits.

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Speaker No. 2: Blair Reynolds

Blair Reynolds is the founder of, and, is a co-host on The Liberation Project podcast, and is a life consultant in Redding, CA. He has been consulting individuals in business and personal transformation for over ten years. 

Still considering?

If you are an executive, business leader, or someone looking to fulfill your potential; this retreat is custom-tailored to your situation. You’ll be led by life-changing coaches and consultants, but also be introduced to a small group of world-changing individuals. The revelations you’ll make personally, and the connections you’ll undoubtedly create, will ensure that you are poised to step into this next season as your best self! You’ll have the confidence to personally express what you’ve been craving to share with the world.